Our Lord and Savior has a peculiar habit of showing up in the seemingly most…banal locations. Jesus in a banana? It’s a fruit miracle! These 20 Jesus images might make you a believer just in time for Easter Sunday.
20. Jesus in Grill Grease
19. Jesus in a Pillow
18. Jesus in a Pierogi
17. Jesus in a Grape
16. Jesus in a Coconut
15. Jesus in a Car Window
14. Jesus in Plant Roots
13. Jesus in an Ultrasound
12. Jesus in a Tree
11. Jesus on a Stingray
10. Jesus on a Banana
9. Jesus on an Iron
8. Jesus in a Candy Bar
7. Jesus in an Orange
6. Jesus in Coral
5. Jesus in Another Tree
4. Jesus on a Moth
3. Jesus on a Turtle Shell
2. Jesus on a Wall
1. Jesus on a Dog Butt